October 03, 2010

Just before the oath

Hi everyone!

Today is the last day of my non-adult life. At 9 am tomorrow, I will be swearing that I would respect the laws, the Constitution, defend the poors and the Justice and take no case I shall not think right.

Exactly : tomorrow, I will become a lawyer! I'm 23, and in my opinion, this is far too young to plea in front of courts, but actually, tomorrow I'll also turn 24. So, my big day is October the 4th, 2010.

Let's begin with what happened before. When I was 18 and had to choose what to study, I first thought of medicine. I wanted to take the challenge, see what I was capable of. But with all the pressure around me, like "you never was much of a scientist", "I didn't know you could count otherwise than on your fingers", I finally decided to do something shorter, where I could play with words all day long (one of my favourite skills), but still something that could provide me a good, well-paid and easy-to-find job. So began my career through law studies.

Some of you may think that it was a good choice, that it would give me much satisfaction and make my family very proud. Well, you're all wrong. I cannot develop it right now, but you'll soon discover that the world of law and rights is more like hell than paradise.

Anyway, I failed my first year, but then it went quite all right (if you don't count all these summers studying hard to pass the September exams) until my thesis, just a month ago. I changed university after three years, for the first one doesn't go further. The day I got my "master" (as they call it here), on September the 10th, I thought I was finally gone through this nightmare.

The present blog is a modest contribution to the understanding that things are not always what they seem to be. Tomorrow will my new life begin, and then, we will see if the nightmare is over.

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